Fr/ Deicy Sanches, franco-capverdienne, est réalisatrice et danseuse, diplômée d’une maîtrise d’Arts, Lettre et Langues, mention Cinéma et Audiovisuel à l’Université de Paris Nanterre.
De par son héritage et sa sensibilité, elle s’intéresse à la question de l’identité, de la colonisation, et de la mémoire corporelle par le mouvement, qu’elle explore à travers différents médiums : le film, la danse et la musique. En 2020, en collaboration avec le designer Teddy Sanches, elle écrit et réalise le film Envahisseurs, tourné en pellicule, sur la danse hip-hop et la notion de cercle, qu’elle expose au Palais de Tokyo, dans le cadre des Audi talents.
Passionnée par la musique house et la culture clubbing, elle s’intéresse aux mouvements musicaux post-coloniaux qui mélangent la musique électronique aux musiques traditionnelles et modernes des pays africains dits lusophones.
En 2022, elle est lauréate de la résidence Trame, à la Cité Internationale des Arts à Paris, où elle effectue un travail de recherche sur les danses de résistance issues de l’eclavage, et nées de l’éclatement des cultures des populations déportées dans le Nouveau Monde.
En 2023, elle réalise un court-métrage de danse, In Between, à la Villa Kujoyama, au Japon, qui questionne le corps et les différentes énergies féminines et masculines qui le composent, ainsi que sa relation au vivant, inspiré des visions africaines du monde où l’homme est mêlée au cosmos, à la nature et à la communauté.
En 2024, elle est invitée, en collaboration avec le designer Teddy Sanches, pour une Carte Blanche au musée Bozar à Bruxelles, dans le cadre de leurs nocturnes et de l’ouverture de leur Festival Afropolitan. Ensemble, Deicy et Teddy Sanches envahissent le musée avec un talk mené par Olivier Marboeuf et Alessandra Seutin, une performance avec 8, des projections de films, et des Dj sets, dont celui de l’artiste Kem Kem.
En/ Deicy Sanches, Franco-Cape Verdean, is a film director and dancer, with a Master's degree in Arts, Literature and Languages, majoring in Cinema and Audiovisual at the University of Paris Nanterre.
Her heritage and sensitivity have led her to explore issues of identity, colonisation and bodily memory through movement, using a variety of media: film, dance and music. In 2020, in collaboration with designer Teddy Sanches, she wrote and directed the film Envahisseurs, shot on film, about hip-hop dance and the notion of the circle, which she exhibited at the Palais de Tokyo as part of the Audi talents programme.
Passionate about house music and clubbing culture, she is interested in post-colonial musical movements that mix electronic music with traditional and modern music from so-called Portuguese-speaking African countries.
In 2022, she was awarded the Trame residency at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, where she carried out research into the dances of resistance that emerged from slavery and were born out of the cultural fragmentation of the populations deported to the New World.
In 2023, she directed a short dance film, In Between, at Villa Kujoyama, Japan, which questions the body and the different feminine and masculine energies that make it up, as well as its relationship to the living, inspired by African visions of the world where man is intertwined with the cosmos, nature and the community.
In 2024, she was invited, in collaboration with designer Teddy Sanches, to give a Carte Blanche at the Bozar museum in Brussels, as part of their nocturnes and the opening of their Afropolitan Festival. Together, Deicy and Teddy Sanches took over the museum with a talk by Olivier Marboeuf and Alessandra Seutin, a performance by 8 dancers, film screenings and DJ sets, including one by artist Kem Kem.
©2020 deicy sanches. all rights reserved
Her heritage and sensitivity have led her to explore issues of identity, colonisation and bodily memory through movement, using a variety of media: film, dance and music. In 2020, in collaboration with designer Teddy Sanches, she wrote and directed the film Envahisseurs, shot on film, about hip-hop dance and the notion of the circle, which she exhibited at the Palais de Tokyo as part of the Audi talents programme.
Passionate about house music and clubbing culture, she is interested in post-colonial musical movements that mix electronic music with traditional and modern music from so-called Portuguese-speaking African countries.
In 2022, she was awarded the Trame residency at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, where she carried out research into the dances of resistance that emerged from slavery and were born out of the cultural fragmentation of the populations deported to the New World.
In 2023, she directed a short dance film, In Between, at Villa Kujoyama, Japan, which questions the body and the different feminine and masculine energies that make it up, as well as its relationship to the living, inspired by African visions of the world where man is intertwined with the cosmos, nature and the community.
In 2024, she was invited, in collaboration with designer Teddy Sanches, to give a Carte Blanche at the Bozar museum in Brussels, as part of their nocturnes and the opening of their Afropolitan Festival. Together, Deicy and Teddy Sanches took over the museum with a talk by Olivier Marboeuf and Alessandra Seutin, a performance by 8 dancers, film screenings and DJ sets, including one by artist Kem Kem.
©2020 deicy sanches. all rights reserved